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A Shadowhunter is a “Nephilim,” (Shadowhunters: 1.03) which means that they are “part human and angel” (Shadowhunters: 1.03). Additionally, Jace Herondale defines a Shadowhunter as someone who, “protect(s) the human world from the demon world” (Shadowhunters: 1.01). Finally, Shadowhunters are “appointed warriors on Earth of the Angel Raziel” (Clare: Shadowhunters).

Left: Angelic Rune, (Freeform: Shadowhunters). 

Terms of the Shadow World: Body


A Downworlder is a person who has demon blood (Shadowhunters:1.01).

Types of Downworlders:

Werewolf - A mundane who is turned after they are scratched and when the moon is full (Shadowhunters: 1.01, 2.14, 3.02). The act of being scratched means that they, like the Vampires, are plagued with a “demonic infection” (Clare: Shadowhunters). In addition, werewolves have green eyes before they turn and advanced speed after they turn (Shadowhunters: 1.01, 1.05).

Vampires- A mundane who is turned and becomes immortal after being bitten, dying and then being buried and emerging out of their own grave (Shadowhunters: 1.03,1.08, 2.14, 3.15). The act of being bitten means they are plagued with a “demonic infection” (Clare: Shadowhunters). On a final note, Vampires cannot be in the sun and are also known as “the night children” (Shadowhunters: 1.03, 3.15).

Warlock – “The offspring of demons and mundanes” (Clare: Shadowhunters). Furthermore, a warlock is immortal and has magic (Shadowhunters: 1.02, 2.19) Also, according to Simon Lewis, “all warlock have an animal feature” (Shadowhunters: 3.18) that distinguishes them from a mundane or other Downworlders and is called a
“warlock mark” (Shadowhunters: 2.05).

Seelies – This group is “half -angel and half-demon” (Shadowhunters:1.03). Additionally, Seelies also have magic (Shadowhunters: 2.14, 3.08) and the “act of telling a truth –[is] a faerie mandate” (Tracey 158). Finally, Seelies are also known as “the fair folk” (Shadowhunters: 2.14).

Terms of the Shadow World: Body

The Mortal Instruments

The Mortal Cup, the Mortal Mirror and the Soul Sword are the Mortal Instruments (Shadowhunters: 2.17). Also, when the Mortal Cup and Soul Sword are placed in the waters of Lake Lyn with a drop of blood, they can be used to summon Raziel, who would grant the summoner one wish (Shadowhunters: 2.20,3.08). However, this ritual can only happen once (Shadowhunters: 2.20, 3.08).

Mortal Cup – “The Mortal Cup is the means by which Nephilim are created. The Cup is imbued with angelic power, and drinking hot liquid from it transforms a mundane into a Nephilim” (Clare: Shadowhunters). Additionally, the cup can be used to control demons (Shadowhunters: 1.07).

Mortal Mirror- This is actually a lake that is located in Idris, Lake Lyn, and is the lake where Raziel first appeared (Shadowhunters: 2.17, 2.18). 

Soul Sword – The “primary use [of this sword] is to compel Nephilim to tell only truth” (Clare: Shadowhunters).

Left: Image of The Mortal Cup, (Clare: Shadowhunters).

Terms of the Shadow World: Body


Adament Citadel – The home of the Iron Sisters (Shadowhunters: 2.06).

Cemetery of the Disgraced – This is a cemetery in Idris where Shadowhunters who have gone against the Clave are buried (Shadowhunters: 3.07). For instance, Shadowhunters who joined the Circle (Shadowhunters: 3.07).

Church of Talto- This is where Lilith resides upon her departure of Edom (Shadowhunters: 3.01).

City of Bones- The home of the Silent Brothers (Shadowhunters: 1.02).

Edom- Edom is also known as hell (Shadowhunters: 2.16).

Hotel Dumort – Home of the Brooklyn Vampire Clan (Shadowhunters: 1.03).

Hunter’s Moon- A werewolf bar (Shadowhunters: 2.03).

Idris- The Shadowhunters homeland (Shadowhunters: 1.03, 1.05).

Jade Wolf – A Chinese restaurant where the New York City Werewolf Pack can be found (Shadowhunters: 1.05).

Judial - According to Magnus Bane this is a “dimension of hell” (Shadowhunters: 2.11).

New York Institute- One of the Shadowhunters base of operations (Shadowhunters: 1.01). Also, all institutes are powered by an angelic power core (Shadowhunters: 2.10).

Pandemonium – Magnus Bane’s nightclub (Shadowhunters: 1.01). Also, the word, “pandemonium,” was a word that was made up by John Milton and is found in book one of his epic poem, Paradise Lost on line 756.

Seelie Court - The home of the Seelie's (Shadowhunters: 1.10).

Spiral Labyrinth – This is the home of warlock magic (Shadowhunters: 1.04).

Terms of the Shadow World: Body

Key Terms

Accords – “A treaty that ordains how Shadowhunters and Downworlders may interact, as well as each group’s rights, responsibilities, and restrictions” (Clare: Shadowhunters).

Alliance Rune - A rune that Clary Fairchild created (Shadowhunters: 3.21) that “allows pairs of Shadowhunters and Downworlders to fight together and draw on each other’s strengths” (Cross 29).

Book of the White – A warlock book that contains different types of rare spells (Shadowhunters: 1.12).

Brooklyn Vampire Clan - A clan of vampires located at the Hotel Dumort (Shadowhunters: 1.03).

Circle – A group that Valentine Morgenstern Created to rid the world of demons and Downworlders (Shadowhunters: 1.01, 1.06).

Clave – The Shadowhunters Council that keeps order in the Shadow World (Shadowhunters: 1.01).

Daylighter – A vampire that is immune to the sun (Shadowhunters: 2.10).

Demon Icor – Black ooze that demons leave in their path (Shadowhunters: 2.04).

Demon Towers – These towers are located in Idris and are used to prevent anyone that has demon blood from entering (Shadowhunters: 3.20).

Deputized Downworlders – Downworlders who work with Shadowhunters (Shadowhunters: 3.22).

Encanto – A vampire power that allows them complete control over their prey (Shadowhunters: 1.03).

Enochian – A demonic language (Shadowhunters: 3.08).

Forsaken- A mundane cannot handle runes because they do not have angelic blood. (Shadowhunters: 1.02, 2.19) Therefore, when a mundane gets runed, they become “a sort of mindless monster” (Tracey 161) and are called Forsaken (Shadowhunters: 1.02, 2.19).

Glorious- The Archangel Michael’s sword that contains heavenly fire (Shadowhunters: 3.16).

Grey Book- A Shadowhunters textbook that contains the definitions for runes (Shadowhunters: 1.06).

Heavenly Fire – A powerful fire that comes from heaven that can be used to get rid of any demonic energy (Shadowhunters: 3.13, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18).

High Warlock - A warlock leader in a specific area (Shadowhunters: 1.04). For instance, Magnus Bane was the former High Warlock of Brooklyn, until Lorenzo Rey took the title (Shadowhunters: 1.04, 3.02). 

Inquisitor- A position that is in the higher-ranking part of the Clave and this position enables one to hold trials for people that break the law or the accords (Shadowhunters: 1.11).

Inter-dimensional domiciles – According to Magnus Bane, they “run along key line grids” (Shadowhunters: 3.12). Also, they are able to allow people to move from one place to another without detection (Shadowhunters: 3.12). An example, is Lilith's apartment (Shadowhunters: 3.12).

Iron Sisters- “The Sisters design and forge weapons for the Nephilim; they are the keepers of adamas, the holy metal given by Raziel to use” (Clare: Shadowhunters).

Lay Lines – According to Magnus Bane, this is the “energy source for all magic” (Shadowhunters: 3.02).

Mark of Cain – This is a mark that is named after Cain from the Bible and acts as a shield to the wearer (Shadowhunters: 3.07, 3.12).

Morgenstern Sword – Lucifer’s sword that he entrusted to the Morgenstern family (Shadowhunters: 3.12). Also, only someone from the Morgenstern family can activate the sword and upon activation the sword will open up the border to Edom (Shadowhunters: 3.12).

Mundane- “Non-magical humans” (Clare xii).

New York Werewolf Pack -  A pack of werewolves that are located at the Jade Wolf (Shadowhunters: 1.05). 

Parabatai- This is a complex bond and “is a pledge that formalizes friendship between warriors in the same way marriage love does. Parabatai know each other in a way no one else is able to” (Bond 117). Also, according to Magnus Bane, “Parabatai bonds are like a tether that binds two souls” (Shadowhunters: 2.03). Furthermore, Magnus says that parabatai share, “emotions, instincts, strength [and that] It’s an angelic bond” (Shadowhunters: 2.03).

Portal – Used to transfer a person from one place to another and typically only a warlock is able to create them (Shadowhunters: 1.02).  Additionally, Alec Lightwood also said that if you “go through a [portal] not knowing where you’re going, you’ll end up stuck in limbo forever” (Shadowhunters: 1.13).

Praetor Lupus – According to Jace Herondale, this is a “secret organization of wolves- guardians” (Shadowhunters: 3.04, 3.05).

Rift – A place in the world where demons can travel through (Shadowhunters: 2.20, 3.20).

Rune – “Angelic Runes utilized by Shadowhunters [are used] to perform feats of magic and [obtain] physical enhancement” (TV Tropes: Shadowhunters).

Rune Ceremony – A ceremony when a Shadowhunter is ready to receive their first rune (Shadowhunters: 2.08).

Seelie Ring – Also known as a "Seelie Whisper Ring" (Shadowhunters: 3.17). This ring lets people communicate telepathically (Shadowhunters: 1.13) and changes to match one’s skin tone as long as one remains focused (Shadowhunters: 3.17).

Seraph Blade – One of the tools that the Shadowhunters use to battle demons that contains adamas and produces light when it is being used (Shadowhunters: 1.01).

Shadow World – The world that contains Shadowhunters, Downworlders, Angels and Demons and is unknown any mundane (Shadowhunters: 1.07).

Sight- A person who can see the shadow world (Shadowhunters: 1.01).

Silent Brothers – “The Brothers serve as the keepers of lore and knowledge. They are the librarians, researchers, and medics for the Nephilim” (Clare: Shadowhunters).

Stele- A tool that resembles a stick and enables Shadowhunters to draw runes on their body (Shadowhunters: 1.01).

Twinning Rune – This is a rune that is similar to that of a Parabatai rune. However, while the Parabatai bond is "angelic" (Shadowhunters: 2.03) and the ones that are bonded are physically and emotionally connected (Shadowhunters: 2.03), the Twinning rune is demonic and used for physical connection only (Shadowhunters: 2.01, 3.13). The physical connection for this rune would extend to include that if one person with this rune is hurt, the other is as well (Shadowhunters: 3.12, 3.17).

Additionally, there is only one set of beings to have had this rune, the Archangel Michael and Lucifer (Shadowhunters 3.13). Despite this, the bond was destroyed by Michael when he stabbed Lucifer with his sword, Glorious and from this moment on the bond became demonic to anyone that used it (Shadowhunters: 3.16).

Weapons Master – A person who is responsible for the upkeep of the weapons at an institute (Shadowhunters: 3.01). 

Yin Fin – A substance that is made from vampire venom (Shadowhunters: 2.06).

Top: Image of Stele's, (Clare: Shadowhunters). 

Terms of the Shadow World: Body

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