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Downworlders and Mundanes

Downworlders and Mundanes: Body


Alaric Rodriguez:
Member of New York City Werewolf Pack (Shadowhunters: 1.01). 
First appeared in season one, episode one, “The Mortal Cup.”

Gretel Monroe:
Former member of New York City Werewolf Pack (Shadowhunters: 1.05, 2.02).  
First appeared in. season one, episode five, “Moo Shu to Go.”

Member of the New York City Werewolf Pack (Shadowhunters: 1.05). 

First appears in season one, episode five, “Moo Shu to Go.”

Bartholomew “Bat” Velasquez:
Member of the New York City Werewolf Pack (Shadowhunters: 2.18).

First appears in season two, episode eighteen, “Awake, Arise, or Be Forever Fallen.” Also, this episode title comes from a phrase by John Milton and is found in book one of Milton's epic poem, Paradise Lost on line 330. 

Jordan Kyle:
Former member of the Praetor Lupus (Shadowhunters: 3.04, 3.20). Jordan was also Simon Lewis’ friend and Maia Roberts former lover, before he lost control and turned her into a Werewolf (Shadowhunters: 3.04, 2.18, 3.07, 3.20). 
First appears in season three, episode four, “Thy Soul Instructed.”

Praetor Scott:
Head of the Praetor Lupus (Shadowhunters: 3.16).
First appears in season three, episode sixteen, “Stay With Me.”

Downworlders and Mundanes: Body


Raphael Santiago:

Former Head of the Brooklyn Vampire Clan (Shadowhunters: 1.02, 1.08, 3.04). Raphael associates with Isabelle Lightwood and later Simon Lewis when he becomes a vampire (Shadowhunters: 1.03, 1.08).  Additionally, he is also the friend of Magnus Bane (Shadowhunters: 2.04).

First appeared in season one, episode two, “The Descent Into Hell Isn’t Easy.”

Camille Belcourt:

Former Head of the Brooklyn Vampire Clan and Magnus Bane’s former lover (Shadowhunters: 1.03, 1.08, 2.04). Furthermore, she is Simon Lewis' sire when he becomes a vampire (Shadowhunters: 1.08).

First appeared in season one, episode three, “Dead Man’s Party.”

Heidi McKenzie: 
Former member of the Brooklyn Vampire Clan (Shadowhunters: 2.15, 3.15). 

First appeared in season two, episode fifteen, “A Problem of Memory.” 

Downworlders and Mundanes: Body


Dorothea Rollins:
Magnus Bane and Jocelyn and Clary Fairchild’s friend (Shadowhunters: 1.01). 
First appeared in season one, episode one, “The Mortal Cup.”

Ragnor Fell:
Magnus Bane’s friend (Shadowhunters: 1.12). 
First appears in season one, episode twelve, “Malec.”

Iris Rouse:
Madzie’s former adoptive mother (Shadowhunters: 2.05). She is arrested for helping Valentine Morgenstern acquire Magnus Bane’s spell book when Valentine blackmailed her by kidnapping Madzie (Shadowhunters: 2.08). 
First appears in season two, episode five, Dust and Shadows.”

Iris Rouse’s former daughter (Shadowhunters: 2.05).  Additionally, Catarina Loss adopts Madzie after Iris is arrested for stealing Magnus Bane’s spell book and helping Valentine Morgenstern (Shadowhunters: 2.08, 2.19) and Madzie is rescued from Valentine (2.10).
 First appears in season two, episode five, Dust and Shadows.”

Catarina Loss:
Magnus Bane’s friend and Madzie’s adoptive mother (Shadowhunters: 2.10, 2.19). 
First appears in season two, episode nineteen, “Hail and Farewell.”

Lorenzo Rey:
The Current High Warlock of Brooklyn (Shadowhunters: 3.02).  

First appears in season three, episode two, “The Powers That Be.”

Downworlders and Mundanes: Body


Part of the Seelie Guard and Isabelle Lightwood’s former lover (Shadowhunters:.1.03, 1.06).

 First appeared in season one, episode three, “Dead Man’s Party.”

Part of the Seelie Guard and Jace Herondale’s former lover (Shadowhunters: 2.07, 2.13).

First appeared in season two, episode seven, “How Art Thou Fallen.”

Seelie Queen:
Former Head of the Seelie Court (Shadowhunters: 2.14, 3.22). 
First appeared in season two, episode fourteen, “The Fair Folk.”

Downworlders and Mundanes: Body



Simon Lewis’ friend (Shadowhunters: 1.01).  

First appeared in season one, episode one, “The Mortal Cup.”    

Elaine Lewis:

Mother to Simon and Rebecca Lewis’ (Shadowhunters: 1.04, 1.07).  

First appears in season one, episode four, “Raising Hell.”

Rebecca “Becky” Lewis:

Daughter of Elaine Lewis and Simon's older sister (Shadowhunters: 1.07).  

First appears in season one, episode seven, “Major Arcana.”

Olivia “Ollie” Wilson:

Luke Garroway’s former partner on the Police Force (Shadowhunters: 2.11, 3.11). Ollie is also Samantha’s girlfriend (Shadowhunters: 2.14),

First appears in season two, episode eleven, “Mea Maxima Culpa.”


Olivia Wilson’s girlfriend (Shadowhunters: 2.14).

First appears in season two, episode fourteen, “The Fair Folk.”

Charlie Cooper:

A doctor and Isabelle Lightwood’s former lover (Shadowhunters: 3.01, 3.05, 3.10).

Downworlders and Mundanes: Body

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