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Jocelyn Fairchild aka “Jocelyn Fray:”
Clary Fairchild and Jonathan Morgenstern’s mother (Shadowhunters: 1.01, 1.06). Additionally, she is Valentine Morgenstern’s ex-wife and an ex-member of the Circle (Shadowhunters: 1.06). Jocelyn is also Simon Lewis’ friend and Luke Garroway’s past lover (Shadowhunters: 1.01, 1.06). 
First appeared in season one, episode one, “The Mortal Cup.”  

Valentine Morgenstern:

Jocelyn Fairchild’s ex-husband (Shadowhunters: 1.06). Valentine is also the father of Clary Fairchild and Jonathan Morgenstern (Shadowhunters: 1.02, 1.06). He was also for a short time the adoptive father of Jace Herondale, when he pretended to be Michael Wayland (Shadowhunters: 1.11). Furthermore, Wayland was thought to be Jace’s father until revealed by Valentine that Jace is a Herondale (Shadowhunters: 2.12). Additionally, Valentine Morgenstern was Luke Garroway’s parabatai (Shadowhunters: 1.06). However, this changed when he destroyed their bond by setting Luke up to be scratched by a werewolf, when became jealous of Luke and Jocelyn’s relationship (Shadowhunters: 1.06). Finally, Valentine is the leader of the Circle (Shadowhunters: 1.06).
First appeared in season one, episode one, “The Mortal Cup.”   

Hodge Starkweather:
Former weapon’s Trainor at the New York Institute and present Member of the Circle (Shadowhunters: 1.02, 1.08, 1.13) 
First appeared in season one, episode two, “The Descent Into Hell Isn’t Easy.”

Brother Jeremiah:
One of the Silent Brothers (Shadowhunters: 1.02). 
First appeared in season one, episode two, “The Descent Into Hell Isn’t Easy.”

Maryse and Robert Lightwood:
Both are former Heads of the New York Institute and past members of the Circle (Shadowhunters: 1.01, 1.08, 2.01). Together they are the parents of Alec, Isabelle and Max’s, as well as the adoptive parents of Jace Herondale (Shadowhunters: 1.05,1.06). Additionally, Maryse and Robert divorce when he cheats on her (Shadowhunters: 2.09, 3.03) and she later becomes Luke Garroway’s lover (Shadowhunters: 3.13). Finally, Maryse and Robert are Magnus Bane’s in laws (Shadowhunters: 3.22). 
Maryse first appeared in season one, episode five, “Moo Shu to Go” and Robert in season, one: episode six, “Of Men and Angels.”  

Max Lightwood:
The son of Maryse and Robert Lightwood. He is also the younger brother of Alec and Isabelle and the adoptive brother of Jace Herondale (Shadowhunters: 1.05, 1.06). Finally, he is the friend and brother-in-law of Magnus Bane (Shadowhunters: 2.08, 3.22).
First appeared in season, one: episode six, “Of Men and Angels.” 

Lydia Branwell:
Envoy for the Clave and ex- fiancé of Alec Lightwood (Shadowhunters: 1.08, 1.12).  
First appears in season one, episode eight, “Bad Blood.” 

Imogen Herondale:

Former Inquisitor for the Clave (Shadowhunters: 1.11, 2.12, 3.07). She is also the mother to Stephen Herondale and mother-in-law to Céline Herondale, as well as the grandmother of Jace Herondale (Shadowhunters: 2.12). 
First appears in season one, episode eleven, “Blood Calls to Blood.”

Victor Aldertree:
Former Head of the New York Institute and former Head of Scientific Development in Idris (Shadowhunters: 2.01, 2.10, 2.11, 3.17).  Additionally, he got Isabelle Lightwood addicted to Yin Fin by claiming it would help heal her venom infection when she was attacked by a demon (Shadowhunters: 2.05).
First appeared in season two, episode one, “This Guilty Blood.”

Sister Cleophas:
A former Iron Sister, former Circle member and Luke Garroway’s sister (Shadowhunters: 2.06, 2.07). 
First appears in season two, episode six, “Iron Sisters.”

Sister Magdalena:
A former Iron Sister (Shadowhunters: 2.06, 2.07).
First appears in season two, episode six, “Iron Sisters.”

Jonathan Morgenstern:
Jocelyn Fairchild’s and Valentine Morgenstern’s son and Lilith’s adoptive son (Shadowhunters: 1.06, 2.16, 3.01). He is also the older brother of Clary Fairchild (Shadowhunters: 1.06). Additionally, due to Valentine experimenting on him, he has pure demon blood (Shadowhunters: 1.06). As a result of the demon blood, Jonathan’s eyes turn solid black when he is angry (Shadowhunters: 1.06). Furthermore, with one look at something, Jonathan can set it on fire and destroy it (Shadowhunters: 1.06). 
First appears in season two, episode eleven, “Mea Maxima Culpa.”

Sebastian Verlac:
A Shadowhunter that was kidnapped, held captive and killed by Jonathan Morgenstern (Shadowhunters: 2.11, 2.15). 
First appears in season two, episode eleven, “Mea Maxima Culpa.”

Stephen and Céline Herondale:
Jace Herondale’s parents (Shadowhunters: 2.12).

Andrew Underhill:
A Shadowhunter who works at the New York Institute (Shadowhunters: 3.04). 
First appears in season three, episode four, Thy Soul Instructed.”

Brother Zachariah:
Magnus Bane’s friend and a Silent Brother (Shadowhunters: 3.06). 
First appears in season three, episode six, “A Window Into an Empty Room.”

Jia Penhallow:
Consul to the Clave (Shadowhunters: 3.07).
First appears in season three, episode seven, “Salt in the Wound.”

Aline Penhallow:
Consul Jia Penhallow’s daughter (Shadowhunters: 3.15). 
First appears in season three, episode fifteen, To the Night Children.”

Helen Blackthorn:
Part- Seelie and Part- Shadowhunter. In addition, she currently works for the Clave in Idris (Shadowhunters: 3.17).  
First appeared in season three, episode seventeen, “Heavenly Fire.”

Shadowhunters: Body

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