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Clary Fairchild

Right: Image of Clary Fairchild and Jace Herondale from Shadowhunters, season two, episode twenty, "Beside Still Water," (Shadowhunters Wiki: Beside Still Water). 

Beside Still Water Clary's Wish (2).png
Season Two: Body

     Throughout season two, Clary has to navigate her way through change and accept the changes that come. This begins to be shown after, Jace Herondale, returns from being held by Valentine Morgenstern and his time in the City of Bones, when Clary overcomes the fact that, Alec, killed her mother, Jocelyn Fairchild, when he was possessed by a demon (Shadowhunters: 2.01, 2.02, 2.04). From the minute it happens, Clary decides not to blame Alec (Shadowhunters: 2.04). However, she does go after the demon and destroys it (Shadowhunters: 2.04).

      After defeating the demon, Clary, decides that she wants her mother back (Shadowhunters: 2.05). Yet, Magnus Bane, refuses to help her, due to the fact that something could go wrong (Shadowhunters: 2.05). Clary then finds a warlock by the name of Iris Rouse, who has an adoptive daughter, Madzie, and agrees to bring her mother back in exchange for a “favor” (Shadowhunters: 2.05). Eventually, Clary leaves to think things over, but soon returns with Alec Lightwood, who has encouraged her to attempt the necromancy ritual (Shadowhunters: 2.05). Despite this, Clary changes her mind, because she is afraid of what it would do to her mother if something went wrong (Shadowhunters: 2.05).  Additionally, Clary choosing not to do the ritual shows that doing what is best for her mother is what matters to her.  

     Once the ritual is stopped by Clary, Iris tells her that their deal is not off (Shadowhunters: 2.05). Iris then puts Clary in her basement, after telling her that the tea she gave Clary, was spiked with an elixir that makes a Shadowhunter be able to conceive from a demon (Shadowhunters: 2.05). In the basement, Clary is attacked by a demon, who is intent on sexually assaulting her (Shadowhunters: 2.05). However, Clary escapes, after she has a vision of a rune that once drawn allows her to produce sunlight and defeat the demon (Shadowhunters: 2.05). Jace, who has been looking for her during this time, finds her, and they decide to keep her new found rune power silent (Shadowhunters: 2.05). After that, Alec and Isabelle Lightwood arrive, and they all go back to the New York Institute (Shadowhunters: 2.05).

     Later, Clary learns that Jace is not her brother, and that Jonathan Morgenstern who is pretending to be Sebastian Verlac, is (Shadowhunters: 2.11, 2.18). Learning Jace is not her brother, directly impacts her romantic relationship with Simon Lewis, and causes it to end (Shadowhunters: 2.15). After this, Clary and Jace begin to reconcile the truth and decide where they want their relationship to go (Shadowhunters: 2.19). In addition, Jace kills Jonathan, for helping Valentine, and hurting his adoptive brother, Max (Shadowhunters: 2.19).

     Shortly thereafter, Clary and Jace go after Valentine, to stop him from raising Raziel (Shadowhunters: 2.20). However, when they arrive at Lake Lyn, Valentine kills Jace, and knocks Clary out (Shadowhunters: 2.20). Once Clary awakens, she kills Valentine, then turns to Raziel, whom her father has summoned and learns she has one wish (Shadowhunters: 2.20). For this wish, Clary, “could’ve had anything else in the world,” (Shadowhunters: 2.20), but, she chooses to “bring Jace back” (Shadowhunters: 2.20). Furthermore, Clary’s action to “bring Jace back” (Shadowhunters: 2.20), shows that she loves him.

     During this season, Clary has had to face challenges and accept the different changes that come. With that said, she also acts of love during this time. This is shown, by the decision she made not to blame, Alec, for her mother’s death (Shadowhunters: 2.04). Additionally, it is shown when she chooses not to bring her mother back, due to the repercussions it may have for her mother (Shadowhunters: 2.05). Finally, it is shown in her choice to save Jace, after her Valentine kills him, due to the fact that she loves him (Shadowhunters: 2.20).

Season Two: Body

Jace Herondale
and Alec Lightwood

“Entreat me not to leave thee,
Or to return from following after thee—
For whither thou goest, I will go,
And where thou lodgest, I will lodge.
Thy people will be my people, and thy God my God.
Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried.
The Angel do so to me, and more also,
If aught but death part thee and me” 

-Parabatai oath from Shadowhunters, Season two, episode three, “Parabatai Lost.” 

Right: Image of Jace Herondale and Alec Lightwood from Shadowhunters, season two, episode three, "Parabatai Lost,"(Shadowhunters Wiki: Alec Lightwood). 

Parabatai Lost Jace and Alec (4).png
Season Two: Body

     Jace and Alec support and accept each other through many different types of challenges in season two. One example is when Jace saves Alec's life after he tries to track Jace, using their bond and becomes trapped in a coma (Shadowhunters: 2.03). While in a coma, Alec sees various memories of Jace and himself, including their Parabatai Ceremony (Shadowhunters: 2.03). Meanwhile, Jace, who has escaped from Valentine Morgenstern, is on the run from the Clave and the New York Werewolf Pack (Shadowhunters: 2.03). The reason Jace is on the run, is due to the belief that he has killed Gretel Monroe, who was a member of the New York Werewolf Pack and was actually killed by Valentine (Shadowhunters: 2.03).

     While on the run, Jace is almost killed by Maia Roberts, who is a member of the New York Werewolf Pack and wants revenge for Gretel's death (Shadowhunters: 2.03). Jace escapes once due to Jocelyn Fairchild’s help, but is soon cornered near Magnus Bane’s loft (Shadowhunters: 2.03). After this, Isabelle Lightwood and Luke Garroway, who is the Alpha of the New York Werewolf Pack, order Maia to stand down (Shadowhunters: 2.03). Isabelle then takes Jace to Magnus’ loft, and he hugs Alec, while saying their oath, “Entreat me not to leave thee…”  (Shadowhunters: 2.03). Alec finally awakens, and Isabelle is forced to take Jace into Clave custody by her boss, Victor Aldertree, who believes Jace is guilty of helping Valentine (Shadowhunters: 2.03).

     Another example of Jace and Alec, being there for one another, comes after Jace is released from the City of Bones and a possessed Alec kills Jocelyn (Shadowhunters: 2.04). In this part, Alec is on the roof of the New York Institute and his hands are bloody from practicing with his bow and arrow for several hours (Shadowhunters: 2.04). Jace arrives after a while, then proceeds to try and get Alec to come back inside and stop blaming himself for Jocelyn (Shadowhunters: 2.04). In reply, Alec denies that he blames himself, and Jace then says, “I’m your Parabatai. I know exactly what you’re going through. What happened with Jocelyn- that wasn’t you! That was the demon” (Shadowhunters: 2.05).

      He then continues to try and Alec to come inside and aid in the search for Valentine (Shadowhunters: 2.05). Yet, Alec snaps and says, “Stop pretending this never happened! I couldn’t save you from Valentine! I couldn’t save you from the City of Bones! I- she’s Clary’s mother” (Shadowhunters: 2.05). This part ends with Alec telling Jace that everyone should blame him, and Alec jumping off the roof, only to land safely on the ground below (Shadowhunters: 2.05). Additionally, Alec later tries to commit suicide by jumping off of a roof, but is stopped by Magnus (Shadowhunters: 2.08). Also, Alec and Jace, never discuss the attempted suicide.

     A similar scene to the one discussed, in episode five, “Dust and Shadows,” happens later, in the season, in episode eleven, “Mea Maxima Culpa.”  Furthermore, this scene happens after Valentine has tricked Jace into touching and activating the Soul Sword, that when activated by someone with pure angel blood, kills Downworlders (Shadowhunters: 2.10). Here, Jace is on the roof facing the ledge, upset over what previously occurred with Valentine, and this time it is Alec that seeks him out (Shadowhunters: 2.10, 2.11). Once Alec finds him, he asks Jace, “Are you okay” (Shadowhunters: 2.11). When Jace finally turns around, he is crying, and Alec pulls him into a hug (Shadowhunters: 2.11).  

     One of the last examples is when Jace reassures Alec that he is okay, after Alec feels Valentine kill him through their bond and Clary brings Jace back to life with the wish to, Raziel (Shadowhunters: 2.20). For this part, Alec, Isabelle and Magnus have arrived at Lake Lyn and found Jace and Clary (Shadowhunters: 2.20). Upon their arrival, Alec is shocked to see Jace alive, and Jace tells Alec to check their Parabatai rune when Alec says his rune is gone (Shadowhunters: 2.20). Once Alec does, he finds that it has reappeared (Shadowhunters: 2.20). Alec then asks Jace how he was brought back and Jace tells him, “I don’t know” (Shadowhunters: 2.20).

     All of these moments show that Jace and Alec, love one another no matter the circumstances and are there for one another no matter what. This is shown, when Jace fights to get to Alec, to pull him out of a coma (Shadowhunters: 2.03). Furthermore, these moments also show that they are prepared to accept and love one another for better or for worse. A further example of this, is when Alec lashes out at Jace, and jumps off the roof and when Jace is crying on the roof (Shadowhunters: 2.05, 2.11). For them, love does not have any limits and they take their bond and oath seriously, “Entreat me not to leave thee…” (Shadowhunters: 2.03). 

Season Two: Body

Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood

Right: Image of Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood from Shadowhunters, season two, episode one, "This Guilty Blood," (Shadowhunters Wiki: Magnus Bane). 

Malec This Guilty Blood.jpg
Season Two: Body

     During this season, Magnus and Alec learn to accept each other and their different cultures. Furthermore, their differences are acknowledged on their first date, when they think of how different they are with Magnus being a Warlock and Alec a Shadowhunter (Shadowhunters: 2.06). In addition, Magnus and Alec are constantly there for one another and learn to grow as a couple.

     A few examples of Magnus being there for Alec, are when Jace is taken by Valentine Morgenstern, and when Alec is trapped in a coma, after he tries to track Jace using their bond (Shadowhunters: 2.01, 2.03). In addition, Magnus is also there when Alec needs to talk about what happened when he was possessed by a demon and accidently kills Jocelyn Fairchild (Shadowhunters: 2.04, 2.05). For this scene, Alec has arrived at Magnus' apartment and is on his balcony after speaking with Jace and practicing with his bow and arrow for several hours (Shadowhunters: 2.05).

     On the balcony, Magnus notices that Alec’s hands are bloody (Shadowhunters: 2.05). Magnus then gestures to his own hand, and then to his heart while saying, “you hope the pain here, will overpower the pain there” (Shadowhunters: 2.05). Alec then admits that he is afraid to talk to Clary Fairchild about her mother, and Magnus tells him that he will find a way to do so (Shadowhunters: 2.05). Yet, Alec’s guilt does not end and he attempts suicide, only for Magnus to stop him (Shadowhunters: 2.04, 2.05, 2.08). Later, Magnus confronts Alec, to let him know that he is there for him and also reveals that he attempted suicide himself (Shadowhunters: 2.09).

     With that said, Alec is also there for Magnus. One example is how he looks for Magnus, after the Soul Sword incident at the New York Institute (Shadowhunters: 2.10). Once Alec finds Magnus, he says, “I love you” (Shadowhunters: 2.10), and kisses him (Shadowhunters: 2.10). While another example is when Magnus and Valentine end up switched by Azazel (Shadowhunters: 2.11). To clarify, Magnus ends up in Valentine's body and Valentine ends up in Magnus’. Also, Azazel switches them, due to believing that Valentine can give him the Mortal Cup (Shadowhunters: 2.11).

     However, Alec kills Azazel, before he can learn what has happened (Shadowhunters: 2.11). Meanwhile, at the New York Institute, Magnus is being tortured by the Inquisitor, Imogen Herondale, and then set up for execution (Shadowhunters: 2.12). Valentine with Jace as a hostage, arrives as a hologram (Shadowhunters: 2.12). Alec stops the execution, and Valentine reveals that Jace is Imogen’s grandson, and offers the Herondale family ring as proof (Shadowhunters: 2.12). After accepting the truth, Imogen allows Magnus to go and confront Valentine (Shadowhunters: 2.12). Magnus then goes to his apartment to where Valentine is located (Shadowhunters: 2.12).

     Meanwhile, Alec, Clary and Sebastian Verlac arrive at Magnus’ apartment (Shadowhunters: 2.12). Once inside, they discover that Magnus and Valentine are back in their own bodies (Shadowhunters: 2.12). Clary then takes Valentine to the New York Institute and Sebastian leaves; however, Alec stays to be there for Magnus (Shadowhunters: 2.12). Alec then asks Magnus what he needs and receives no answer (Shadowhunters: 2.12). Yet, Alec does get an answer later in the season when they talk about what happened. In this part, Magnus reveals that the torture he endured, made him relive a horrible time in his life (Shadowhunters: 2.15). The time, Magnus then reveals, was when his stepfather blamed him for his mothers’ suicide and he murdered his stepfather in retaliation (Shadowhunters: 2.15). Alec’s response to what Magnus tells him, is to hug him and not let go (Shadowhunters: 2.15).

     While Magnus and Alec are there for one another, they also have two major learning curves this season. One example is when Alec asks for a strand of Magnus’ hair, in order to prove his innocence in a series of murders on Shadowhunters that are being committed by a Downworlder (Shadowhunters: 2.13). Alec later apologizes, due to feeling that he was wrong to ask Magnus for his hair (Shadowhunters: 2.13). The next is where Alec, who is now Head of the New York Institute, does not share that the Clave does not have custody of the Soul Sword with the Downworld Cabinet that he has created (Shadowhunters: 2.13, 2.14, 2.17). Once Magnus learns that Alec has hidden the truth, to keep peace between the Downworlders and Shadowhunters, they break up (Shadowhunters: 2.17).

     Yet, Magnus is still there for Alec, when his brother, Max, is almost killed by Sebastian, who is actually Jonathan Morgenstern (Shadowhunters: 2.18). Additionally, Magnus goes with Alec and Isabelle Lightwood, to Lake Lyn (Shadowhunters: 2.20). He goes to help find Clary, and as support to Alec, who has felt Jace die through their bond (Shadowhunters: 2.20). Later, once they are back in New York and at a party at the Hunter’s Moon, Alec apologizes to Magnus (Shadowhunters: 2.20). Magnus then accepts, and explains that he, “thought I [he] had to choose between you [Alec] and the Downworld” (Shadowhunters: 2.20).

     Overall, Magnus and Alec, learn to grow over their differences of being a Downworlder and Shadowhunter in a relationship. For instance, when Alec apologizes for asking Magnus for his hair and for not telling him about the Soul Sword (Shadowhunters: 2.13, 2.17, 2.20). Magnus and Alec also learn to be there for one another as a couple and to accept one another at their best and worst through the course of this season. This is shown, when Magnus is there for Alec through his guilt over Jocelyn’s death. and his attempted suicide (Shadowhunters: 2.05, 2.08, 2.09). Also, this is further shown, when Alec is there for Magnus, after the Soul Sword incident and after he and Valentine switched bodies (Shadowhunters: 2.10, 2.12, 2.15).  From these examples, one can gather that Magnus and Alec learn to accept one another’s differences and cultures and that it makes their relationship stronger in the end.

Season Two: Body

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